NEW DNC LEAK! Colin Powell Calls Hillary “Sleazy,” Trump “A Disgrace” & Says Bill Is Still “Dickin’ Bimbos”

The latest DNC Leak consists of extremely honest emails coming from General Colin Powell. In them the general calls Donald Trump “a national disgrace.”  He also says Hillary is working herself to death, looks tired, and “for good reason comes across as sleazy.” He says he would rather not have to vote for Hillary despite having great respect for her. He then says Bill Clinton is “still dicking bimbos at home.” I do not yet have confirmation that anyone on the planet besides General Colin Powell uses the phrase “dicking bimbos.” Is that old English? …So at the end of the day, according to Colin Powell America gets to choose between a racist national disgrace for President and a tired, sleazy woman with a bimbo-dickin’ husband. …So I guess we haven’t learned anything NEW per se.

To watch my segment on Redacted Tonight about this, CLICK HERE.

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  1. “Dicking” is a term used by military guys, as in “did you hear that Private Snuffy is dicking Private Jones.” Of course you’d have to have been in the military to learn that.

  2. Who and what are we voting for when the economy is collapsing, when commercialisation is rampant in its abuse of man and nature, when the environment is deteriorating so quickly that it may eventually render the planet uninhabitable? To merely vote for another ism of the left or right can only bring more pain and division from within this maelstrom, because it means we are still refusing to relinquish our complacency, expand our conscious awareness, and take responsibility for changing the world situation ourselves. We cannot blame the government for these issues if we voted for them in the first place, and then did nothing else—in which sense the government doesn’t only reflect what we have become, but also what we deserve. The government and the electorate are one and the same, including the apathetic or alienated non-voters who decline to be involved in the lavish and distracting palaver of electioneering. For so long have we been stuck with an inadequate education and hence erroneous ideas of leadership that we seem to think this is the only way society can function, and we cannot imagine a different way of living based on right human relationship—without which, in truth, there can never be harmony or peace in world affairs.

    As long as there are competitive and power-hungry leaders as we understand them today, there will always be conflict and social divisions. And as long as there are people who keep following these so-called leaders, there will always be the unconscious denial of our inborn spirituality, creativity and wisdom. But where there is love, where there is freedom, where there is respect and trust for the other without a mind conditioned by isms, then there is no authority or leadership; there is only guidance. True leadership guides, whereas leadership in its present form creates more and more followers which is where the root of all our problems lies. But once everyone has Self-knowledge through right education—supposing that humanity can overcome a civilisational (or rather spiritual) crisis to reach this necessary stage for our continued evolution—then voting for a leader would almost be an impossibility, and there would be no further need of political parties.

    – See more at: 5

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