I Was Backstage At The Last Presidential Debate, It Was Worse Than You Can Imagine [VIDEO]

rudyAs many of you know, I host a comedy news TV show called “Redacted Tonight.” That allows me and my correspondents to get press credentials to events. Full disclosure – I was not at the Presidential Debate but my correspondent John F. O’Donnell was. What he saw simply reinforced everything people believe about the corrupt two-party system. John spoke with and/or mildly annoyed Donald Trump, Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani, Mark Cuban, Donna Brazile, Don King, Andrea Mitchell, John Podesta, and more. Why did these people find John F. O’Donnell annoying? Well, mainly because he chose to ask them about the things that it’s agreed no one will ask or talk about. When he saw that Donna Brazile, the acting head of the Democratic National Committee, was happily laughing with Karl Rove, George W. Bush’s former Deputy Chief of Staff, he asked Donna whether it showed that the two-party system is simply two heads on one beast. She quickly walked away. You can watch that moment HERE. John F. O’Donnell also asked John Podesta, former Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton, whether he’s surprised that Hillary Clinton is now calling for Edward Snowden to be pardoned (which of course she’s not). Podesta glares at O’Donnell and then walks away. Watch that moment HERE. These debates and the campaigns in general are carefully scripted theater for the ruling elite to manufacture consent for their next string of wars and Wall Street giveaways. I’m not saying there aren’t surprises in this election year – but you’ll notice that most of them have come from hackers, leaks, alternative sources, and sometimes comedians. The truth of this corrupt and rigged system is not coming from the mainstream media – and generally, they’re the ones with the press passes. To watch John’s full segment backstage at the Debate – including the moment he yells the N-word at Donald Trump, CLICK HERE. To watch my rant about all the issues that WILL NEVER be covered at any of the debates, GO HERE.

Keep Fighting,

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  1. I would like to see you do a segment on the Clinton American India Foundation.
    Especially, I would like your “experts” to explore the following people that were HAND PICKED by Bill Clinton to run this SHAM charity…l. Rajat Gupta 2. Victor Menezes 3. Vinod Gupta 4.Naveen Jain Ajay Shah 5. Sudesh Aroroa 6. Sant Singh Chatwai 7.Raj Rajaiatnam

    Do we really want a president who has the power to have the FBI DESTROY LAPTOPS as part of an immunity agreement? Are you kidding? I think the Executive Branch of government is out of control… and out of balance with the checks and balances that exist in our Constitution. Somewhere James Madison is at a tavern with Thomas Paine and they are getting very drunk.

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