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“A People’s History of the United States”-Howard Zinn
“Shock Doctrine”- Naomi Klein
“Lies My Teacher Told Me”- James W.Loewen
Add ‘How To Kill a City’ by Peter Moskowitz
Dark Money by Jane Mayer
“Inside the Company: CIA Diary” by Philip Agee. A former CIA officer gives details of what the CIA does and how they do it. Once you read the first 30% of this book, you will easily see the CIA footprints on any new developments on the world stage.
Manufacturing Consent by N. Chomsky
An Economic Theory of Democracy by A. Downs
The Great Transformation by K. Polanyi
The Radical King by C. West
Evicted by M. Desmond
The divide by Matt Taibbi
You do not need a book just look up….wake up ? Pacific Ocean is dying fast very fast Oxygen levels falling Ozone layers ripped….all life.
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn & Listen Liberal by Thomas Frank.
The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X. Best book for unraveling the systemic cover-ups of conspiracy in each of these cases.
Mann and Orstein…It’s Even Worse Than It Looks:How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics.
Pedro Domingo…The Master Algorithm
Nick Bostrom…Superintelligence
1) Marx & Engles – the Communist Manifesto
2) V. I. Lenin – the State and Revolution
3) Alex Haley and Malcolm X – the Autobiography of Malcolm X
4) Franz Fannon – the Wretched of the Earth
5) Eric Williams – Capitalism and Slavery
Crossing The Rubicon – Michael C Ruppert
I might add David Talbot’s ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’ to this list.
“The Heart Goes Last” by Margaret Atwood (latest after “Handmaiden”)
“Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television” by Jerry Mander deserves a place on this list.
Thanks, Lee!