Lee Camp covers the ongoing struggle of the Native Americans of Standing Rock Reservation to stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline from tearing through their sacred land. This week the corporation “Energy Transfer” actually sicced dogs on the protesters. FREAKIN’ DOGS!! Is this 1950’s Birmingham, Alabama??!! Lee also covers just how rigged and skewed the presidential polls are. It’s truly ridiculous and terribly biased against the 3rd party candidates in ways you may not have even realized. Redacted then delves into the release of yet another iPhone and what that means for Americans compared to the Chinese people who labor away at making them in repressive conditions. Next, correspondent John F. O’Donnell joins Lee at the desk to breakdown what’s up with Bernie Sanders’ new non-profit, “Our Revolution,” and why it’s alienating people in the movement. Correspondent Naomi Karavani presents a report on the cray cray earthquake situation in Oklahoma because it’s being fracked to death. Enjoy and spread the word!
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