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Redacted Tonight #356 – The 4 Day Work Week Is Here To Stay
Thank You, Lee Camp.
The way you handled The Daily Show was perfect and you deserve a big thank you! There is nothing worse than a person who supports corruption and pretends he’s not supporting corruption.
Keep telling the truth!
Again, Thank You.
President Obama thinks he can bomb Afghanistan,because,after all,the Nobel Peace Prize is
named after Alfred Nobel,the inventor of dynamite.
Shane Fistell
The D.N.C election fraud suit comes with padded shoulders and padded pockets.
D.N.C. thought ‘impartial’ meant not partial to impartial .
Donald Trump’s wall is ‘Wall Street South.
Donald Trump boasts that he made jobs for Americans when they build his wall.
(No free-loading migrant workers).
Donald Trump’s wall re-purposes Berlin Wall parts to build his wall.
Use of the words ‘lamb-basting’, and ‘scapegoating’ outlawed when shaming hungry
school children.
All the Best,
Shane Fistell