BREAKING: Ballot Protection Software On Ohio Voting Machines TURNED OFF!

Nov 8, 2016
This is almost too incredible to believe. The Ohio voting machines now have ballot protection software on every machine. It allows an image to be collected and stored for every ballot cast. New York Times best-selling author Greg Palast is reporting that the protection software has been TURNED OFF on every single Ohio voting machine! After all the chaos that has gone down in Ohio elections, why in God’s name would they turn off the protection software?! Well, you might think, “Maybe it’s an accident.” …NOPE. In fact they were taken to court over it by Bob Fitrakis, and according to Palast, the Republican Secretary of State argued that it would take a MASSIVE effort to turn on the software. …But in fact, it’s a simple drop-down menu. The judge ruled in the Secretary of State’s favor. Apparently protecting our vote from fraud is just TOO MUCH TROUBLE.

To watch my interview with Greg Palast, go here.
To watch my interview with Bob Fitrakis, go here.

Keep Fighting,

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  1. I always print a paper copy of my ballot since the makers of our first electronic voting machines, Diebold, headquartered here in Ohio, donated big to the Bush, Cheney, campaign, and the CEO of Diebold promised Bush he would deliver him Ohio in 2004, and did. Many voters complained and were outraged and claimed there was no way in hell Bush won Ohio in 2004. When our last Democratic Governor, Strickland took office, Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, demanded all counties replace the Diebold machines. Though it didn’t help Democrats at the State level and the State has been gerrymandered beyond absurdity, virtually promising GOP dominance for decades to come, the change saw President Obama take Ohio in the next two Federal Elections. My wife and I both always print a visible paper copy of our ballot after voting, it means there is a paper trail no matter what is manipulated electronically, the sad and scary part is how many do not utilize this feature that leaves a visible printed record of your ballot while you review your ballot before you finish voting. I trust John Husted about as much as I trust anything from Breitbart or that comes out of the orange hate squash’s mouth, there is really no need to go below zero, but my respect and trust of all three is less than zero.

  2. 11 out 15 the 15 counties have ballot images and all were destroying the Images. We won a court ruling and we filed 0n the other 10 counties. The Image below is from us. Thanks for binging attention the the problem. Video of me on Info Wars 11.07.16:

    Britt Hanson, Chief Civil Deputy
    Cochise County Attorney
    1415 Melody Lane, Bldg. A
    Bisbee, Arizona 85603
    Sunday, November 6, 2016

    Dear Mr. Hanson:
    You have just indicated your intent to destroy ballot images and thus commit a Class 6 Felony.

    In addition, the excuse you use is not viable. We have all the manuals for the ES&S DS850. We have a Judge’s ruling that clearly understands that the ballot images are made and that what the system counts those images. So, you cannot then destroy them by saying “Our Elections Department does not program to save ballot images when tabulating ballots on the DS850 because they have no use for them in their processes.”

    Please note: The ES&S DS850 on pages 86-87, the ballot Image configuration instructions say you can set the machine to export “None, All Processed Images, or Processed Write-in Images Only”.

    Regarding your statement “Our elections department does not program to save ballot images”.
    Merriam-Webster’s definition of “programming” as it relates to computers is as follows: the act or job of creating computer programs.

    Clearly, as seen in the manual “2. Press Edit to update the selections” is not a form of programming, to say so is a misrepresentation of the machines function. The manual itself illustrates the choice to “Save all ballot Images”, to choose “None” is a willful act of destruction. Please see picture on page 3 below:

    We ask that you follow the law and use these machines in the way they were federally certified to be used.

    To avoid committing a Class 6 Felony, check the “All Processed Images,” as show in manual. Link the Operators Guide for EVS5200_DOC_SOP_DS850:

    To clarify, the ruling out of Tucson is that the ballot images must be preserved just like ballots because that is what the tabulator counts and uses to create the proper Cast Vote Record (CVR).

    For further clarification of the law, see the case Lake v. City of Phoenix, 222 Ariz. 547, 218 P. 3d 1004 (2009). It explains how all parts of an electronic record are public records:

    Again, on October 14, 2016, in case No. C20163926, Arizona Superior Court, Pima County, held that “(ballot) images… are public records for purposes of public records statutes.” If your office receives erroneous guidance from the office of the County Attorney or Secretary of State that ballot images are not public records, please refer them to the ruling cited above. For your convenience and the convenience of those offices, here is a link to ruling:

    I will await your prompt response confirming that you will change your course and comply with state and federal laws.

    Should there be any more confusion or questions over this matter, feel free to contact me at any time. Transparent, Trackable, Publicly Verifiable Elections is a priority of “We the People”.

    If this isn’t clear yet, once your scanner reads in a ballot it contains a graphic image of the ballot in memory – the type of memory that flushes with the system powered down. That image is a public record at that moment, while in “RAM memory”. That image in memory is what the final vote tally is based on. Once that image is processed, it remains a public record and a verifiable audit trail element in the process leading to the final count of the vote. You are threatening to set up your systems so as to destroy that public record (the graphic image) by deliberately failing to save it. That deliberate document destruction on your part, in conflict with an Arizona judge’s ruling on the same subject, is what will lead to criminal penalties on your part.

    Don’t do that. Retain the public records that your system is creating and using instead of allowing them to be auto-deleted by your system’s simple setting. Turn the save-to-disk function ON.


    John R Brakey, ED and Co-founder; Americans United for Democracy Integrity and Transparency – AUDIT-Arizona & Special task force leader for Citizens Oversight for Verifiable Elections. (COVE)

    5947 S Placita Picacho El Diablo, Tucson, AZ 85706
    Phone: 520-578-5678 Cell: 520-339 2696

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