WEB EXCLUSIVE: Don’t Celebrate The Banning Of Alex Jones [VIDEO]

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  1. Thanks for finding time to make this video Lee! Its important… I’d rather know what the crazies are thinking and talking about. If we suppress people from freedom of speech (even if their ideas are shit) its not like they won’t continue pushing their agendas and find followers and/or create grouthinks. That is way scarier than knowing who the fuck they are y’all!!! Being knowledgable of all the perspectives out there is the best way to protect everyone. Let people speak up about their ideas so we can understand and hopefully prevent more tragic events from happening.
    All the support of the banishment of one news outlet is exactly what the elites want therefore it will only make it easier and more justifiable when they start filtering more of the true progessive/alternative sources.

  2. Private companies, like myspace, are NOT public free speech zones….GET OFF of them and let them DIE! There are better ones that DO have freedom of speech…….steemit, being just one…

  3. This reminds me of Michael Moore, when he donated anonymously to that guy with the Michael Moore Sucks website when the guy’s wife got sick and he was going to have to close down the site. Principled consistency in free speech support matters above all. Voltaire baby.

  4. Alex is too busy ranting about his food supplements and the Satanic Bavarian Death Cult that rules the world to be remotely useful as a news source. I always thought he was untouchable as long as he steered clear of any actual criticism of Israel. I wonder what changed, or is this some kind of publicity stunt to try to make him seem more credible?

  5. Lee, I agree with you completely.
    But Alex J was not wrong 100% of the time, if so he would not have been attacked by the elite.
    Regarding his alleged attack on gun shooting victim families: that will be resolved in a legal contest that was just announced. If the elite really cared, they would base their excommunication from social media on the court decision (are they afraid to wait?). Alex J was strongly antiwar and made logical points against the fascist system, which felt threatened. That is the reason why he was deplatformed. Not because the elite love humanity or care about justice.

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