Have you ever thought about all the groups that should be uniting together against an insane c o r p o r a t e takeover of our government? Well Lee Camp does every day, and in this episode he breaks down exactly why the vast majority of the US should be working together to fight an o l i g a r c h y that has EVERYTHING TO GAIN by keeping us divided. Then Lee reveals that our so-called “w a r” in A f g h a n i s t a n is really a prolonged o c c u p a t i o n, the main motivation for which is competition between the U.S., R u s s i a and C h i n a for control of oil and natural gas resources. Correspondent Naomi Karavani joins Lee at the desk to discuss how J P M o r g a n Chase paid off their 5.3 billion dollar fine for fraud . . . with more fraud. Then, correspondent Natalie McGill shows how so-called “dropout recovery” schools are fronts for funneling taxpayer money to private companies.
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