Lee Camp covers how the petrodollar may be the REAL reason for possible war with Iran and there’s a long history to back that up. Then Camp covers the recent highlights in bad news: including the Dakota Access Pipeline and recent nominees, but more importantly how Democratic politicians are responding to the increasingly shaky trust in the capitalist system among Millennials. Then correspondent Naomi Karavani fills us on how Republican lawmakers are trying to crush protests through shocking laws especially in North Dakota. Finally, correspondent John F. O’Donnell covers the recent attack by Trump on the Dodd Frank Act and what this could mean for Big Banks. This and more on Redacted Tonight.
Redacted Tonight 135-The REAL Reason the U.S. Wants War with Iran, Standing Rock News, Capitalism Failing

This is so true. The war in Iraq and the Viet Nam War (which we all know was NOT a war) created millions of manufacturing jobs building the American War Machine: weapons, missiles, military equipment, war planes, etc.
Color me not surprised….
House Republicans just voted to eliminate the only federal agency that makes sure voting machines can’t be hacked.
A bill was introduced in the House that would get rid of the EPA.
“H.R. 861: to terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.”
(LEE CAMP “Redacted Tonight” a few nights ago)