Lee Camp covers how 3rd party candidates, like the Green’s Jill Stein, are not only getting marginalized but also CENSORED. PBS Newshour, which has a good reputation generally, actually cut Jill Stein’s interview with them in a bizarre way to make her look insane. Also, Lee does a news medley rundown of crucial stories, including a Democratic party leak concerning how to “deal with” Black Lives Matter, Trump and the human urine connection, and prisoners across the country unifying in strike to reclaim their human rights and escape, essentially, slave labor. Correspondent Naomi Karavani joins Lee at the desk to discuss how the Pentagon has just revealed that the leader of ISIS, al-Baghdadi, was actually in the notorious US torture prison in Iraq, Abu Ghraib. And Correspondent John F. O’Donnell files a report on the Redacted aspects of the Colin Kaepernick National Anthem media firestorm, including the super racist, lesser known 3rd verse of the Star-Spangled Banner.
Media Censorship Hits New Level, New Leak Shows Collusion Against BLM, Huge Prison Strike [REDACTED TONIGHT 114]

I was lucky to get to be in the audience for the Lee Camp show in Asheville on september 3rd! It was an awesome experience! I love the redacted/moment of clarity show and everyone involved, keep fighting!!! It is an amazing and inspiring thing you guys are doing–wayne