fleiri politikarar halda ― many politicians hold
Some guy on Twitter talked about being “based and Fleiried”
I am no good with languages
Near as I can tell he is speaking
Icelandic. He is from the Faroe islands
You speak Sewedish which is almost the,same. Do you know what he means by Fleiried
Wiki says it means Many politicians
Is it censored
Censoring is what politicians do
I know your busy. It is just no use asking Jimmy Dore or Lee Camp
Unless it is Polish.
I saw the anarchist episode
I am sure he grew that beard so the animals would not be scared of him.
I grew long hair in high school and the girls were not scared of me.
If you feed the bears and do not put them in cages they will not bite
Do not try to give bears one marshmallow at a time. They want the whole bag.
Tom Rush used to feed raccoons
He was afraid of bears
fleiri politikarar halda ― many politicians hold
Some guy on Twitter talked about being “based and Fleiried”
I am no good with languages
Near as I can tell he is speaking
Icelandic. He is from the Faroe islands
You speak Sewedish which is almost the,same. Do you know what he means by Fleiried
Wiki says it means Many politicians
Is it censored
Censoring is what politicians do
I know your busy. It is just no use asking Jimmy Dore or Lee Camp
Unless it is Polish.
I saw the anarchist episode
I am sure he grew that beard so the animals would not be scared of him.
I grew long hair in high school and the girls were not scared of me.
If you feed the bears and do not put them in cages they will not bite
Do not try to give bears one marshmallow at a time. They want the whole bag.
Tom Rush used to feed raccoons
He was afraid of bears