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I love Eleanor and Lee. In my aged and disabled isolation I need someone to love – you, Grayzone and some others. I am isolated because many of the people I know suffer severley from cognitive dissonance; they scoff at my support of people like you.
These podcasts are too long to fit nto my day but I get up at 5 in the norning so as to have a few hours for you.
What i Ilike about this particular convesation is that it both tells the truth and is becalming for the nerves
I love you for your souls mainly, not only Lee, Max. Aaron, Jordan. Aivalis (he is delicious) for your bodies combined with your minds. I write this to make you laugh. Kulinski can be quite dishty too and Doel quite lovely.
You brighten up my lomely life.
My other friends are the great composers and poets in three languages and I regret that this aeatehtic dimension is missing in the progressìve podcasts. There is no such thing as great art that is not deeply opposed to the status quo. I write a sort of diary combning life,the arts, poilitics. music, poetry, and sex and the way they interlock to several people and wish i could find a way of placing this on the net
Infinite love, Felix